I wrote in the last blog (Part 2) that transformation is one of the strongest forms of spiritual warfare we will ever encounter. Transformation requires total dependence on the grace of God to walk in the humility and love needed. The enemy hates humility, remember that pride is what caused his fall in the first place and all humans are prone to fall into pride or any other sin.
Consider the parable of the prodigal son and remember; we are all prodigals at one time or another. One son said took the inheritance he was given, spent it on riotous living until famine came and he could not even eat. Luke 15:20 says that when he came to his senses he went to his father, asked for forgiveness and repented, offering to become a servant. The father not only forgave him but also lavished upon him all the best of his household. When his brother saw this, he became angry because he worked hard for years serving his father and did not comprehend the depth of relationship he shared with his father. He was not required to earn his keep as a slave but embraced a cherished as a son on whom the father had bestowed his inheritance. Sometimes, without realizing it, we look at our works or the keeping of the law as a way to earn our keep or work our way to heaven. God is not requiring us to work or keep the law but desires an affection based obedience from us, which overflows from a heart of love for him. The son that stayed and worked the father’s land was equally as prodigal as the one that left home with his inheritance and so are we without knowing the love of God. The love of God is the most powerful gifts he has given us, poured into us by his precious Holy Spirit. His love enables us to move forward in his grace and live the transformed life.
Debi Neiberger