I believe we are all a work in progress. I do not declare to be perfect in my recovery and life nor do I claim this process will ever be complete. I still have areas of improvement and growth. There is always another way I could challenge myself. There is always a part of me I will need to learn to accept. There will always be something new to try and limitations to eliminate I did not realize I placed on myself. My life is still and always will be a work in progress. I will always have the road signs up alerting people “woman at work”, “hard hat area”, “caution: area under construction”. We will never stop needing to be restored and built in life. It is an ongoing project. Something will always need repairing whether that be in recovery or other struggles in life. Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am grateful my life and myself are works in progress. I love the idea that it is ever changing and new things will happen every day. I don’t want to be the same person every day. I want to be renewed and restored. I want to continue to grow and mature and develop. I don’t want to be the same person I was yesterday or last month or last year. We must adapt to our transforming identities and spirits. I want to come into myself more and more. Each passing day working on myself, the real me is coming out and pure happiness is being felt. Embrace being under construction today. Create a dream blue print of yourself from which to build a dream life.
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