Out There Ministries International

New Wineskin Leadership Matrix for the Church


 A community of friends of Jesus Christ embracing the Divine mandate:

"To Reach and Disciple the Young of the Nations To Reach and Disciple the Nations

Essentials of Natural Life                            Essentials of Spiritual Life

Water                                                          God the Living Word: 3 in 1                                                                                     Food                                                               Gospel of Jesus                                                                                           Clothing                                                 Holy Communion & Baptism

Shelter                                                                      Church                                                                Education                                                   1st & 2nd Commandments   

Economy                                                           Great Commission

Energy                                                                   Anointing


  1Co 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.


Essential elements and paradigms of New Wineskin expressions of the Church must coalesce as her spiritual DNA on behalf of an emerging generation today. Jesus has birthed a longing for these essentials deep within the burning hearts of the arising passionate. He is establishing new paradigms for their maturing identities, and strategic functions for the implementation of their Kingdom assignments within the context of new expressions of the Living Church.

Nurturing, prototype Matrix's must arise as Holy Ghost incubators for these Worshipping Warrior-Priests of the End-times!

Three Guiding Principles:

  1. The Lesser is Included in the Greater
  2. Establish the Essential and Sequential Rom 12:2
  3. From the Father through the Son by the Spirit [#1 Way of God]


Essential and Sequential Strategy


Out There Ministries International


This is first essential and then sequential as a strategy for the maturing and positioning of the young of the nations for the end-time harvest, and the fulfilling of the “Great Commission”


A. Preach the Gospel of the King in the Power of the Spirit

      1. Identify the Bond-servants

      2. Mature and Prepare them as His Royal Priesthood 1Pe 2:9 [process]

      3. Commission and Resource unto Assignment: Nuclear New Wineskin Churches

B. Kingdom Objective: Invade, Occupy and Influence the Seven Primary Sectors of Society

C. Strategy: The Principles of War

D. Implementation: Culture of the Kingdom

[50 commands of Christ adapted from Dr. Walnau]

E. Means: Regional New Wineskin Leadership Matrix’s established as Kingdom Command Centers relationally joined across the nations; preparing and resourcing the generations to invade and occupy the Seven Sectors of Society for the establishing of the Kingdom of God in the Earth.

(Isa 2:2)  And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.


 A Prototype Matrix of New Wineskin Churches 

A. 12 Essential Elements 

We must maintain Inter-Generational / Relational Integrity as we cooperate with the Spirit of the Lord by honoring & validating the old while also recognizing, enabling, maturing, & releasing the new.

(Isa 43:19)  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

1. Jesus: The Living Word; focused (Bridal/Davidic bondservant; intercessory, worshiping/warriors)  

2. Cross-Cultural Community: One New Man (“it is finished”)

3. Mystical/merciful: inward/outward (Royal Priesthood)

4. Multi-generational/inter-relational: discipleship oriented

5. Multiplicity of leadership- 5-fold & governors/tutors (presbytery)

6. Forerunner (ahead of “cutting edge”)

7. Tithes: for the establishing of the priesthood [primarily]

    Offerings: for the establishing of facilities [primarily]

8. Principle driven (rather than personality) while pursuing Kingdom purpose i.e. nameless/faceless

9. Global Body with local expressions: regional matrix undergirding satellite, autonomous fellowships bound together through genuine relationship

10. Gathering places- outside oriented: homes, parks, community centers (connected/grounded to home base)

11. Confrontive Kingdom- invade & occupy oriented

12. Ladder reign – abiding in Hymn, through Whom Heaven is established on Earth

B. 5 Emerging Paradigms

Jesus is establishing new paradigms for the strategic implementation of End-Time Assignments!

1. Bridal/Davidic bondservants: prisoners of the Majesty and Beauty of the Cross.

2. Moravian Lampstand: win for the Lamb the reward of His suffering.

3. 7 Mountain Assignment: calling unto commissioning.

4. Principles of War: invade & occupy.

5. Educational, Sustainable, Communities with a Biblical World View.

C. Open Book Truth

Amp. Eph 4:15 Let our lives lovingly express truth, [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head; Christ the Anointed One.

The ministry of the Word is focused upon the discovery and implementation of precept and principal rather than the establishment of dogmatic doctrine. Our intent is to discover God's Ways that we might walk with and in Hymn as His maturing Church.

There are six Discipleship Centers within the Leadership Matrix; all of which are    under-girded by a foundation of an inter-generational, educational, and sustainable community. 

 1. Institute of Biblical Studies [Bread of Faces]

 2. Institute of Intercessory Worship [Royal Priesthood]

 3. Institute of the Arts of Worshiping [Artisan Theologians]

 4. Institute of Societal Transformation [Seven Primary Sectors]

 5. Institute of 5-Fold 4 Kids [Equipping Minister’s to the Children of the Nations]

 6. Institute of Communications [Multi-Media: Broadcasting Truth]

We explore Seven Fundamental Doctrinal Themes.

1. The Divine Nature & Attributes of God 
2. The River of Covenant Truth: N2 Four Heads 

    [sanctified places, priests, offerings, feasts]
3. The Finished Work of the Cross of Christ 
4. The 3-Fold Identity Source of the Believer 
5. The Gospel of the King 
6. The Heb 6:1-3 Foundational Doctrines 

7. The Culture of the Kingdom of God on Earth


Facebook Pages: Out There M.I. (Ministries International)

                            Out There Ministries International

brother cliff: US cell# 803-403-5052     CR cell#506-8603-0358


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  • Gracias!

  • Brother Cliff,

    May the Lord bless you as you go after it out there.


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