All sin is relational

written by Michael McBane

All sin is relational no matter what, it infects the sinner and the one sinned against. We do not sin against God but ourselves, our transgressions are wounds that run deep. Our sin is a separation from God and from who we are in God and the incorporation of His pure life into others. We can ask to be forgiven but the damage of our sin can run deep into our souls. We must ask the Lord to heal the wounds of our sin. I am seeing that this has been over looked across the church and that this misstep may be the stumbling block that creates havoc in our ability to remain strong in our faith. We may not discern the body because in ways we are not capable of doing so. I think this must be considered.

We do not discern the body because we have not been shown the way. God’s intent on how we should and must function is not on the agenda. The divisive nature of our sin has indoctrinated much and its inclusion has divided us. We create false heads, and force others into misapplications of callings by dissecting the nature of our life together.

When we accept Christ as Lord we have the spiritual reality of becoming one with Him in the eternal purpose of His love. We can strengthen that or actually dilute it with infractions that weaken this opportunity. For example just as sex outside of marriage divides a persons soul into fractions it is similar to our adulteress nature spiritually. Many enter into marriage with less then who they are because they have scattered themselves though multiple relationships. This is one reason why so many can not discern who they are. Marriage is meant to create a union that is not meant to be fractionalized but strengthened. We can ask for forgiveness of the sin of immorality and other infractions but the wounds may linger and default many years later. It is these wounds that the enemy of our soul  awaits to reopen. We must ask as I have said for the Lord to heal the wounds of our transgressions.

We have areas of life that back fire in the most inconvenient times and dissolve our confidence. These are like default zones that the wounds of sin bury. They are viruses that linger and slow us from the determination we were birthed into His Kingdom with. They can derail our full purpose. Familiar spirits attract to these festering scars and can intrude with marauding consequence. This is not the will of the Lord. Our wholeness is His desire and He paid for this health to be ours. They are shadows. Nothing excuses continual bad behavior but I ask have the wounds of our sins been over looked at times? All our transgressions He took including the wounds they inflicted. 

Lets stop and pray. Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit will you grace me now with the love that searches me high and low, deep and wide. I ask that every sin that I have ever committed not only be forgiven but that the wounds that have devoured my soul and my body and my mind be healed. Jesus I accept Your blood and ask You, wash me in ways that I can not comprehend or express. May Your brokeness absorb all of my missteps that I  may not even understand. I long to be whole in body, mind and spirit for Your names sake. Let me experience Your love deeply now. In Jesus name.

I have always hoped to convey to my reader that we affect each other tremendously  good and bad in our actions and inactions. That may be obvious yet not apparent enough to incite a revolution in our hearts to be deliberately positive in the accountability of our faith. We must know that our words bring life or death for I know of no one who has not been crushed by anothers lapse in vocabulary or other disregarding actions. When we carry less then a good report we should highly consider silence. The lack of our words when we deny encouragement or do not offer wisdom or even extend life can cripple others. We can bring strength simply by listening. It is not a matter at times of being right but of being there.

The absence or the inclusion of prayer can bring stagnation or the oil of grace and the offering of wisdoms mercy and discernment. We must pray together.

We can make excuse for much but in truth when we are consistent in our bad behavior we have no excuse. I know that many have had long seasons of pain and sorrows that can find little resolve. I understand more then you know. The ways that these things press on many can not be explained to others and the afflicted can feel frail and withdraw from be the vital part they are called to be in the body. We cannot let this continue as we are able let us call unto each other and determine to over ride the places that have brought damage to who we are called to be.

God invests all that He is in people not things or commodities. He gave His Son and paid for everything. If we want to follow Him then will we mock His investment and deny life to others? Will we consider the cost of the field that might be before us? It is usually an investment in others. This is done in all things how we think, what we say and what we do. 

If we violate another emotional, physically or by assaulting another with venomous slander we sin and the damage done is not only to the one who has been slandered but by the one who offered such. I have seen people discard others because of false ministry authority or because of the absence of proper fostering by spiritual fathers and mothers who must exhibit behavior akin to the misbehavior of those who are under their care. We have responsibility to each other and we must know that we are being observed. Weighty, yes? Christians so often feel they have a license to intrude into someones life with a dominate lifeless proclamation for another. We have so separated from both the cost of relationship and the fruit of investment that allows one the position in love to adjust another.

Love is the foundation, the wiring, the plumbing the fabric of the temple we live in. Therefore to exclude the ingredients of 1 Corinthians 13  from our mindsets or our functioning is sin. This must be more then a wall plaque in our hallways. We must meditate on these words and see that they are  the nature of Christ who is in us. Do we deny Him by not exhibiting such as the incense of our life?


Because our world has been spun through webs of deceit that are layered over and over we have much to cut away. We have been lied to and we have lied to ourselves. At times we just do not know how to facilitate change. Our Christian understanding is devoured by the conclusions of well intended men and women who have stepped forward in their faith but often have carried with them the baggage of life that was never meant to weave through the the gospel they so loved. We can only know that God is determined to reveal who He is and will reach both into the most muddled situations and extend through the most complicated indoctrinations to love and touch those who call out to Him. He will not deny who He is. We daily must renew our minds in Christ and allow HIm to saturate us with His conclusions and adjust our vision to see has He sees.

My purpose here is not to bring guilt on anyone nor to weaken any with undue subjection of my words. I merely want to bring us to the place where we find the life of God’s full desire. If we knew Him as He is we would not linger in the places that dilute purity and holiness. His love is not weak and we have not seen its worth. God I pray that You unlock the chains that we have subjected ourselves to in all manor and way. We must be free of our bondage. You Lord know how we fall and what hides deep within that we have not seen as a division of our intended oneness. Deliver us from the evil one so that we can participate with Your Kingdom on this earth as it is in heaven. 

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