2012: The Day Of Anything Can Happen
by Joni Ames
As we enter into 2012, we are entering into "The Day Of Anything Can Happen."
In the past few years, we have been introduced to crazed gunmen on the rampage, terrorism, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornados on catastrophic levels, just to name a few wild events. We have been sensitized and then desensitized to them.
We've watched nations rise against the tyranny of their own wicked leaders and die in the streets, in order to gain freedom.
We've seen evil leaders hunted down and killed, with bloody video tapes spread across the Internet for the whole world to view.
In the process, we've seen kingdoms of the earth topple, one after another, right before our eyes.
We've seen religious icons, who should have and could have comforted and led the people into greater levels of faith and peace in the midst of such things, fall instead.
In essence, we are beginning to see the reality of what comes as a result of nations, people, and leaders that defy the Living God.
Even today's newscasters are reporting that what we are seeing is happening, "in Biblical proportion."
What's left to happen?
According to the Bible, "We ain't seen nothin yet."
Jesus said in Matthew 24 the likes of what we are about to see hasn't been seen before, nor will ever be seen again.
"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elects sake those days will be shortened." (Matthew 24:21, 22 NKJV)
In other words, up ahead we will see and experience escalation of all of the above, on terrifying and unbelievable levels.
So much so that men's hearts will fail them because of fear.
Like it says in Habakkuk 1:5, we won't hardly believe it.
"Look among the nations and watch Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you." (Habakkuk 1:5)
What to do in 2012
Prepare for the worst case scenarios.
We've been being told/warned for quite some time to "Prepare!" Some have. Some have "sort of" begun. Most have done basically nothing.
While we will still pray, it is just plain wisdom to also get prepared NOW for any "worst case scenarios."
To get an idea and perspective of what it could be like if the California or New Madrid fault lines "blow," go to You Tube and watch videos of the recent Japan quake.
To get an idea and perspective of what it could be like if some nutcase hits a button that causes atomic holocaust, look up Hiroshima.
No one is going to send out a 30 day warning and send you some money so you can prepare if you haven't. This IS your warning. Prepare to the best of your ability to do so NOW. Whether a tornado, earthquake, or atomic bomb, things happen at the spur of the moment.
Be sensible and stock up items your family actually likes. Then rotate them so that they do not become outdated and toxic.
If possible, stock up items with 20 year shelf life. But practice using some now as well so that you are familiar with how to use them.
Have a means of alternate heating as well as having a hand operated water well, if possible.
"Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove."
Do not tell everyone what you have stocked up and where it is. When "stuff" happens, desperate people do desperate things. Do not set your family up for a home invasion or worse. Learn from the story of Joseph and "Zip your lips."
Many are preparing to defend their families with guns and ammunition, in case of actual war on our land. Each one has to make that decision for them self.
Prophets, newscasters, leaders, and dreamers are warning of serious events in 2012.
Severe weather
Catastrophic Earthquakes
EMP bombs
Atomic attacks
Severe diseases released
Biological warfare
War on US soil
Civil unrest
Political hysteria
Asteroids & other sky related phenomena
My friends, it doesn't take much to see and know that dangers in all of the above arenas exist. However, as the Word of God tells us, it should not catch us unaware. Therefore it should not catch us unprepared.
Truly, we are in "The Day Of Anything Can Happen."
In the process, as we continue to stay steadfast in trusting our God, His Church will "rise and shine," (Is. 60:1-2) and become the spotless Bride That Jesus paid for! - And She will bring along a precious harvest to present to Him.
This article is mainly being sent to Christians on my email newsletter list. So please don't think I'm being condescending when I say, let's be prepared spiritually as well. The enemy has not been playing fair and has been hitting believers hard. Therefore, we need to be in the Word and stay in it. Let's not get off base in some weird doctrines. We additionally need to keep an eye out for and help each other stay spiritually well and sane.
If we lack faith, we can "get us some" by devouring more of His Word, which tells us, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by The Word." His Word does not go forth and return void. It accomplishes what it is meant to do. It will help to keep us in perfect peace as these events unfold.
If you are a backslider or are not saved, it's time to do business with God. He is the only way we will have peace in the days ahead. Simply repent and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior by crying out to Him. He hears and receives all who call upon Him.
Then, let's all do the natural things mentioned to prepare, and encourage others to do so too.
Let us not faint nor be weary in well doing. Instead, "Be only strong and courageous!" And you will do great exploits in the Lord!
Lord, we thank you in advance for the year ahead. We ask you for wisdom, direction, good health, provision, protection, and courage for our families, ourselves, and each other, to do what we are to do and shine for you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
- Joni Ames
In the past few years, we have been introduced to crazed gunmen on the rampage, terrorism, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornados on catastrophic levels, just to name a few wild events. We have been sensitized and then desensitized to them.
We've watched nations rise against the tyranny of their own wicked leaders and die in the streets, in order to gain freedom.
We've seen evil leaders hunted down and killed, with bloody video tapes spread across the Internet for the whole world to view.
In the process, we've seen kingdoms of the earth topple, one after another, right before our eyes.
We've seen religious icons, who should have and could have comforted and led the people into greater levels of faith and peace in the midst of such things, fall instead.
In essence, we are beginning to see the reality of what comes as a result of nations, people, and leaders that defy the Living God.
Even today's newscasters are reporting that what we are seeing is happening, "in Biblical proportion."
What's left to happen?
According to the Bible, "We ain't seen nothin yet."
Jesus said in Matthew 24 the likes of what we are about to see hasn't been seen before, nor will ever be seen again.
"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elects sake those days will be shortened." (Matthew 24:21, 22 NKJV)
In other words, up ahead we will see and experience escalation of all of the above, on terrifying and unbelievable levels.
So much so that men's hearts will fail them because of fear.
Like it says in Habakkuk 1:5, we won't hardly believe it.
"Look among the nations and watch Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you." (Habakkuk 1:5)
What to do in 2012
Prepare for the worst case scenarios.
We've been being told/warned for quite some time to "Prepare!" Some have. Some have "sort of" begun. Most have done basically nothing.
While we will still pray, it is just plain wisdom to also get prepared NOW for any "worst case scenarios."
To get an idea and perspective of what it could be like if the California or New Madrid fault lines "blow," go to You Tube and watch videos of the recent Japan quake.
To get an idea and perspective of what it could be like if some nutcase hits a button that causes atomic holocaust, look up Hiroshima.
No one is going to send out a 30 day warning and send you some money so you can prepare if you haven't. This IS your warning. Prepare to the best of your ability to do so NOW. Whether a tornado, earthquake, or atomic bomb, things happen at the spur of the moment.
Be sensible and stock up items your family actually likes. Then rotate them so that they do not become outdated and toxic.
If possible, stock up items with 20 year shelf life. But practice using some now as well so that you are familiar with how to use them.
Have a means of alternate heating as well as having a hand operated water well, if possible.
"Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove."
Do not tell everyone what you have stocked up and where it is. When "stuff" happens, desperate people do desperate things. Do not set your family up for a home invasion or worse. Learn from the story of Joseph and "Zip your lips."
Many are preparing to defend their families with guns and ammunition, in case of actual war on our land. Each one has to make that decision for them self.
Prophets, newscasters, leaders, and dreamers are warning of serious events in 2012.
Severe weather
Catastrophic Earthquakes
EMP bombs
Atomic attacks
Severe diseases released
Biological warfare
War on US soil
Civil unrest
Political hysteria
Asteroids & other sky related phenomena
My friends, it doesn't take much to see and know that dangers in all of the above arenas exist. However, as the Word of God tells us, it should not catch us unaware. Therefore it should not catch us unprepared.
Truly, we are in "The Day Of Anything Can Happen."
In the process, as we continue to stay steadfast in trusting our God, His Church will "rise and shine," (Is. 60:1-2) and become the spotless Bride That Jesus paid for! - And She will bring along a precious harvest to present to Him.
This article is mainly being sent to Christians on my email newsletter list. So please don't think I'm being condescending when I say, let's be prepared spiritually as well. The enemy has not been playing fair and has been hitting believers hard. Therefore, we need to be in the Word and stay in it. Let's not get off base in some weird doctrines. We additionally need to keep an eye out for and help each other stay spiritually well and sane.
If we lack faith, we can "get us some" by devouring more of His Word, which tells us, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by The Word." His Word does not go forth and return void. It accomplishes what it is meant to do. It will help to keep us in perfect peace as these events unfold.
If you are a backslider or are not saved, it's time to do business with God. He is the only way we will have peace in the days ahead. Simply repent and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior by crying out to Him. He hears and receives all who call upon Him.
Then, let's all do the natural things mentioned to prepare, and encourage others to do so too.
Let us not faint nor be weary in well doing. Instead, "Be only strong and courageous!" And you will do great exploits in the Lord!
Lord, we thank you in advance for the year ahead. We ask you for wisdom, direction, good health, provision, protection, and courage for our families, ourselves, and each other, to do what we are to do and shine for you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
- Joni Ames
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own web sites. We ask only that you keep Joni's web site, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
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Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own web sites. We ask only that you keep Joni's web site, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
If my life & ministry has blessed you and you'd like to sow a financial gift, it would be greatly appreciated. You may do so by sending it any of these ways:
NON Tax deductible financial gifts may be sent to:
This is the fastest way:
You may use debit or credit card at Pay Pal, & put "for Joni Ames" in memo section, at: https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=JONIAMES@aol.com
Or send check to:
Joni Ames
P.O. Box 99
Elkview, WV 25071
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Tax deductible checks may be made out to Hope International Ministries, PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT "FOR JONI AMES" IN MEMO SECTION & send to:
Hope International Ministries
P.O. Box 470743
Charlotte, NC 28247
Or tax deductible gifts may be sent via debit or credit card at Pay Pal (this is the faster way), PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT "FOR JONI AMES" IN MEMO SECTION, at: https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=HOPEINTLMIN@aol.com
Good word. Very sobering. One we must consider. Keep them coming.
Sobering word. Should cause us to trust our faith even more. Keep them coming.