"This week in my search for the hidden treasures of God's word. He began to teach me a greater depth of seed time and harvest. Though I have always known that this is a spiritual law of heaven, I did not understand the foundation from which it…"
"What is so great about our God is that he will send someone moved by the Holy Spirit into a comfortable environment and interrupt all those lives for the Gospels sake. Controversial, interruptor, disruptive. Comfort has no place when new wine is…"
"In a media or a social environment where one is subjected to lies and half truths, without knowledge of all the facts. It becomes easy to entertain the lie to the point of deception. Once we become deceived because of our lack of knowledge…"
"People are creature's of habit. That is why we can become enslaved to worldly ways. That is why we can become comfortable with things. The Lord wants to stir us, interrupt our lives and routines. You cannot put New Wine in old wine skins. You cannot…"