Words for Chronicle Titled: “Prayer for the House of Prayer”
- The Lord build the house—Psalm 127:1
- The laborers build under God's hand—Lamentations 3:37, Psalm 127:1
- They labor—Psalm 127:1
- The watchman—Psalm 127:1, Isaiah 62:6-7, Isaiah 52:8
- Victory when you face your enemies—Psalm 127:5
- To labor through rest—Psalm 127:2
- House of prayer for all nations—1 Timothy 6:6, Isaiah 56:6-8
- The world will tremble—Isaiah 16:14
- New wineskins—Luke 5:37-39
- Mighty men and women of valor—Psalm127:4, Ephesians 6:13-19
- I will call forth the mighty warrior—Isaiah 50:4-5
For the Lord, he has given us the tongue of a ready writer, and as we open our ears to hear, we will be able to watch and see the enemy come. For he has delivered us so that we can be the warriors, the mighty ones that take the cities, that the enemy has taken. To release the captives and give them the words that sustain them and bring them out of their captivity. So, Holy Spirit we call upon you this night, fill us afresh with your fire, afresh with your presence, so that we have ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to receive what the Lord would have for us this evening. So that we could be the vessel that he has called us to be, that we can release the captives, that we can sustain the weary, that we are your hands extended to those who are needing help and encouragement.
For I am releasing upon this body a new measure of faith and those that are willing to step in will see things happen. They will see the miracles that they dreamed about. For I am moving in this time and in this hour. Do not fret and do not worry, for I am with you; I will guide and direct you. Do not hold back that which I have placed within you. The time and the hour are now! Move out! Move out as I direct you! Do not hold to the past and what you have seen; but look to the future and what I have shown you, for I am calling you forward as a mighty warrior, as a child of God that will move mountains and remove the trash that the enemy has placed within your path and you will clear the way for others to walk on the highway of holiness says
the Lord.
◦ Like arrows are the children—Psalm 127:4
◦ We're not among those who shrink back
◦ Write down the revelation—Habakkuk 2:1-2
◦ I Corinthians 15:56-58
“Prayer for the House of Prayer” Chronicles:
The Lord build the house. May the laborers build under God's hand as they labor. Let them be, O God, the watchmen. And these watchmen will have victory when you face your enemies. Lord, we pray that the watchmen are to labor through rest and in trusting you as they build the House of Prayer for all nations. As this is done, we will see the world tremble, and they will tremble because of these new wineskins that will look like and be filled with mighty men and women of valor and then what will happen. The Lord says, “I will call forth a mighty warrior, and out of this mighty warrior, there will be hundreds and thousands like arrows which are the children”. As we see, O God, these new wineskins, we will see that they are not among those who shrink back. Amen.
Father God, we desire that you would build up this House of Prayer. That your laborers would build under your hand and that they that labor, would labor in wisdom and truth. God is calling the watchman to come and enter in, to take their place, the rightful place in this house that he is raising up. May we have victory when we are faced with our enemies and accomplish our labor through rest. May this House of Prayer be opened to all nations so that the world will tremble when this House of Prayer bends its knees in prayer. Lord, let us be as new wineskins full of new wine. Lord, let many men and women of valor rise up from this house. Call forth Your mighty warriors, Lord, like arrows are the children of our youth. May they also rise up and take their rightful place. We will not be as those who shrink back.
We are in agreement that you are building each watchman's house. You are doing it and as we labor, thank you that we are doing it under Your hand God. WOW! As we watch and labor, the watchman we can see O God, victory! Victory is ours when we face our enemies. WOW! Incredible! Lord, give us the revelation of how to labor through rest, that must be O God. How
can we labor and rest at the same time? We know that what we are laboring for will come to fruition, what a rest in knowing that victory. What a rest in knowing what you are fighting for is going to come about. Wow! No wonder you call us a House of Prayer for all the nations. A handful, 8 or 10, can pray for the nations of the world, and then 10 or 12. Lord, you yourself called forth 12 and the 12 made the world tremble. There are 12! Lord, surely a House of Prayer of 12 can make the world tremble. As a House of Prayer calls forth the new wineskins. Wow! Lord Jesus, these mighty men and women of courage and valor, like-mindedness of your kingdom; you say you are calling them forth as a mighty warrior. WOW! Mighty warriors, like
arrows. As arrows are like children, the watchmen are to be as children as they are shot like an arrow. No wonder the world will tremble. Lord Jesus, thank you, the only way we can lose is if we shrink back. And it is our prayer that we will never shrink back. When these things are accomplished, your word says that you will give us a revelation as this began. In Revelation chapter 1:1, the revelation of Jesus Christ. Wow! The revelation of Jesus Christ, Wow! 20 dimensions of the revelation of Jesus Christ that it is in 20 dimensions that covers the entire universe, the entire universe! Let this House of Prayer write down these revelations as you send them to us. In Jesus' name.
As a House of Prayer, we cry out “Let the Lord build the house, and may the laborers build under God's hand.” We unite as a community House of Prayer under the moving of God's order to respond to His call to pray as the church gathers and as they labor. Lord, we call forth the watchman in each of your children to stand and to accept and to move forward in your call. As
your House of Prayer, may we always have the faith to believe that there is victory when you face your enemies. In the midst of the battle, may we also remember to labor through rest. Help us, Lord, to be the House of Prayer for all nations, so that when we gather to pray, the world will tremble. As you build this House of Prayer, we receive the call to take on the new
wineskins that you are providing for us. We accept the call to step forth as mighty men and women of valor as you release the call, “I will call forth the mighty warrior.” Like arrows are the children, may we come forth in faith to be the prayer warriors you called us to be. We declare that we’re not among those who shrink back; instead, we will stand and pray as we are
clothed in the full armor of God. And we will write down the revelation as you speak it forth into the universe. We rise up Lord and we accept the call and say, yes and amen.
Dream about New Life from Jeff Rowland: In the dream I walked in the door over here (he was pointing at the back), and Karen was sitting there, and she had spoken to me in the dream that she was changing the stage out for worship here at New Life. And I walked in, and this is going to sound odd toyou, but Steve had extremely long hair in this dream, and he was doing something way out of character for him. He was singing, and in the dream at least, it was beautiful. He was singing prophetically; singing his message. Alan was standing behind him and he had robes on and he was directing traffic
throughout the congregation. And there were attacks coming against all that. Someone was wanting to cut Steve's hair off and to stop that prophetic utterance from coming forth.
--- I seek for the House of Prayer deeper revelation of Jesus Christ, the uncovering, the manifestation of Jesus Christ in His fullness to be released, not only at New Life or Grace Place, but in every church that has been touched by the House of Prayer; so, God is building a bridge between this church and other churches. He is doing it through the apparatus of the House of Prayer; so, the House of Prayer needs to be further defined inside of the covering of Christ.
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