During my quite time this morning, I felt to share with you a prayer from the book Building a Wall of Prayer by Basilea Schlink.  This is an exciting day for our nation to turn back to Him, as a united church,  with a prayer of repentance.  Thank you for standing with us in prayer as the called generation for such a time as this.  To God be all the glory.  Hallelujah and AMEN!  

When the future of a nation is in the balance, when politics, economics and ethics fail, it is the intercessors who can make a difference.  They hold the key to recovery, for they focus on God, from whom alone come blessing and salvation.  by B. Schlink

Prayer of Repentance and Intercession for the Nation


O lord, we bring our requests to You not on the basis of our righteousness, but on the basis of Your great mercy.

We confess with our nation:


We have sinned.  We have dared to turn away from Your holy and irrevocable commandments, which You gave to us as an expression of Your will.  We have declared them irrelevant, invalid and no longer binding even within the realm of the Christian Church.  In so doing, we have opened the floodgates of sin.


Father, in great distress we plead with You for our country, which deserves Your judgment.


For the sake of Jesus’ precious blood, have mercy upon our nation.  Save our country from perishing.  Accept our supplications, as we turn aside from paths of sin.


We confess that as individuals and as a nation, we have sinned in an unprecedented way, allowing ourselves liberties contrary to Your commandments.  This has resulted in immorality, licentiousness, drug addiction, alcoholism and perversions more vile than those of Sodom and Gomorrah.  


Each one off us who failed to make a stand against these sins is also to blame.


We confess that as individuals and as a nation,we have sinned, since the commandment, ‘You shall not murder’ has been widely violated.  As a result, our country is flooded with terror, violence and unrest.

Our nations is guilty of mass murder.  The blood of millions of defenseless unborn children cries out to heaven.

Unless we repent, Your sword of judgment will descend without fail.  Death will come upon our land, perhaps in the form of a nuclear war, which will claim millions of lives.

Your Word warns us that if we do not obey Your voice and keep Your commandments, death and calamity will overtake us.


For the sake of Jesus’ precious blood, have mercy upon our nation.  Save our country from perishing.  Accept our supplications, as we turn aside from paths of sin.


We confess with  our nation that the most serious offense of all is being committed in our land -  blasphemy against the living God.  Never before has this sin been so public and widespread.  It will bring a major judgment upon our country.

In deep grief we humble ourselves and lament that man dares to attack You, Almighty God, mocking and degrading You in an outrageous manner, blaspheming You in literature and in screen and stage productions.


We confess that as Christians we, too, are guilty in as much as we have not made a stand against blasphemy and failed to give You the glory that is Your due as the holy triune God.


Father, in great distress we plead with Yu for our country, which deserves Your judgment.


For the sake of Jesus’ precious blood, have mercy upon our nation.  Save our country from perishing.  Accept our supplications, as we turn aside from paths of sin.


We confess that as individuals and as a nation, we are to blame that Satanism is able to spread so extensively in our country. We confess with shame that even many who call themselves Christians are involved in occult practices.  We come before You, Lord, in deep grief over the innumerable rock concerts and festivals subjecting thousands of your people to a demonic, spell- binding influence with fearful consequences.


And so we cry to You to stop these satanic activities and to take away the satanic power and influence of such rock concerts.


Father, in great distress we plead with You for our country, which deserves Your judgment.


For the sake of Jesus’ precious blood, have mercy upon our nation.  Save our country from perishing.  Accept our supplications, as we turn aside from paths of sin.  


O Lord, our God, hear our entreaties and accept our prayers in Your infinite mercy, for the sake of Your Son, who died an agonizing death on the cross for our sins.

We and our nation are provoking Your wrath.  We are forcing You to send judgment because of the abominations mounting up to heaven.  Yet we pray,


Lord, forgive us our transgressions and be gracious unto us sinners.  Help us to remain steadfast in prayer and supplication, and help us to turn from our sins with all our hearts.

Deliver our nation; defer the impending judgment, so that many souls may still be saved and those who love You may be prepared for the time of testing.  Have mercy upon us for the sake of Jesus’ precious blood.  Amen.

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  • Basilea Schlink's books were the first reading I did as an infant in Jesus!
  • Hi Sally!  Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer!  

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