One Specific Instruction!

Jeremiah 33:3  Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
This echoes Isiah 48:6  "hidden things which you have not known."
Each morning, I ask God for one specific thing that He would have me do for the day.  He is faithful to answer, and His answers are always amazing! Because He is omniscient, He already has knowledge of what the day is going to bring, and the specific instruction He gives, fits perfectly into His plan for me. By acting on the thought He gives, I am equipped and empowered, and ahead of the enemies plans and strategies to defeat me.
Sharing two examples:
1)  As I was asking the Lord one morning to give me one specific instruction, His answer was, "I want you to dwell in peace all day. This is something we should do anyway, but this answer had a particularly strong emphasis on dwelling in peace. A peace that is similar to being in the "eye of a storm."  Needless to say, God is omnicient, and from the get go, strong and turbulent battles, fiery darts, and trying circumstances started early in the morning, and continued almost one right after another into late afternoon. By listening and following His instruction that morning, I remained in peace, was not upset or shaken, and did not respond with negative words or emotions. I just "stayed in peace." That day could have been a victory for the enemy, because I could have crumbled early on with the extremity of the battles. But I won the victory through Christ, and His peace remained, as well as His joy, and we won the battle!
2) A second example: One particular morning He said, "I want your heart to be quiet and still, so I can speak what is in My heart. I had the sense of Him wanting me to stay on the same frequency of His heart and thoughts, so I would continually be infused with them during the day. I thought this specific instruction was really cool!  It was, but later in the day,  I listened as two different people shared some very negative attitudes about their circumstances in life. I soon found they were clueless that their own thoughts and reactions were the problem, and did not want a solution from God's Word, and especially from me. Sometimes we get trapped before we know it, and have to excuse ourselves quickly, before people can  pull from, and deplete our own soul. The good news, by staying quiet and still in my heart, and listening to His heart, I stayed on the same frequency, and was still being infused with His thoughts. As a result, I remained in peace, and the things He shared from His heart, prepared me for what was to take place later that evening. The negative words and emotions seemed to just slip off, because of the oil of His anointing. Later, I got a call from a friend who had some real serious problems, and because the Lord had been depositing His thoughts to me, instead of being drained earlier, I was full enough to overflow toward this person, and it brought life and hope. I had another call very late in the evening, with a life-threatening situation. Because I had kept my heart still, listening to Him, it enabled me, (even though it was very late, and I was physically tired)  to minister compassion and healing to this wonderful person, and the result, a spirit of suicide was literally broken that night.
I'm so thankful that I chose to obey  His one specific instruction  for each of these two examples. Had I not, these days would have turned out quite different, and the enemy would have had an advantage. What an exciting adventure to walk in His footsteps, and follow where He leads!
Isiah 55:9  For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts
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  • that is the essence of our daily walk-He is continually whispering to our prepared heart...thanks!
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