Nurtured by an Extravagant Message

"My response (to the message of Grace through trusting Christ) is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask Him to strengthen you by His Spirit--not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength--that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite Him in." Ephesians 3:14-15 The Message, (parenthesis mine).

Believe the Gospel of His Grace for yourself today! Paul describes the glory of this message in the first thirteen verses of chapter three of Ephesians. All and any who trust what Christ has done for us and embrace this Message by faith, have Jesus Christ living inside of their heart! Previously a mystery (hidden for the ages) but now revealed to any who trust Him and embrace His message and offer. I choose to embrace and follow the living Lord Jesus Christ today!

Paul said of himself...' This is my life work; helping people understand and respond to this Message.' (Verse 7) This sums up our call, purpose and life work as well. It is Father's business. We are invited to partnership with Father-to embrace and share this awesome Message. Is this your life’s work? Be done with lesser things.

But, the first order of business each day is to believe this Message for you. That Christ lives inside of your heart as you open the door and invite Him in. This literally means that we are to "put out the welcome mat of our heart to Christ" every day. As culture continues to unravel around us every day, we have the only “message” of hope.

It is not that He is coming and going all the time-it is that the attitude of our heart must be to embrace Christ, just like we did the very first time. Do you remember when this message was first revealed to you-you fell in love with Jesus? First love-giddy, threw open your heart to Jesus. You put out the welcome mat of your heart to Jesus.

Embrace this deep, heart level, first love today. Allow Him to evangelize and romance your heart. Allow Him to melt away the jaded parts of your heart with His passionate love for you. 'Be loved-it is your job to be loved.' That is your daily assignment in Father's business-simple enough! Be nurtured today by “the” message (the gospel) of grace!


In the grip of Papa’s message-Jesus!  Ron Ross



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