Nurtured by a Worship Lifestyle

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you. Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to- work and walking around life---and place it before God as an offering" Rom. 12:1 The Message.

"Make sure you don't take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship--a different kind of 'sacrifice'--that takes place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets" Heb. 13:16 The Message, emphasis mine.


Much more of life takes place in kitchens, schoolrooms, workplaces and out in the midst of commerce than in lofty cathedrals or even in personal “tents” of meeting. If we make the “religious” mistake of relegating our worship to a “sanctimonious” place or time-we are robbed of much of the daily grace of worship. We spend the vast majority of our lives in the places of the mundane and common. Why shouldn’t they be known and experienced as the “primary” places of worship.  According to these scriptures, they are!

But, I don't even feel like a worshiper today. As a matter of fact; my sweet wife and I are battling against some very tough and fearful stuff. So, what do we do with the tough, discouraging, scary and yucky stuff? King David said, 'what times I am afraid, I will trust in you.' That was just as much worship as his famous exalting Psalms of high praise and thanksgiving.

I will be a worshiper today with the ordinary stuff placed before God as an offering. I will worship today by working as unto the Lord. I will worship today by finding ways to share what I have, and working for the common good.

I will worship today in the kitchen by actually helping my beloved with the dishes. I will worship today while performing my work duties. I will worship today by being kind and considerate on the streets. I will worship today by trusting God with the scary, tough, discouraging and yucky stuff. I might not “sing” a worship song-but, I will worship. And I believe Papa will be pleased and nurture me in these acts of worship. How about you?


In the grip of Papa’s worshipful grace! Ron Ross


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  • What a beautiful thought, what a Savior and Papa!!!
  • This is my favorite post Ron. So real & liberating. Sharing a thought I had this morning. A friend of mine was upset with God and asked God what He was thinking when her son was killed in an auto accident. His tender reply was, "The same thoughts I had when My Son died on the cross."

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