
Ministry Year in Review for Expressions of Heartland

We want to thank everyone for your prayers and encouragement this year.

Last year at this time, we were getting ready to go to visit family in Las Vegas, NV and then tour the surrounding states. God’s creation in the mountains surrounding the area is exquisite and it was such a blessing to partake of together. The Las Vegas strip is glamorous in outward appearance but we were sensitive to the pain people carry “behind the scenes”.  As we looked over the glamorous city and majestic mountains, our hearts awakened to the brokenness of the people. We prayed and wept over the city sensing God’s intense love for the people of Las Vegas and the State of Nevada.

As we walked down the strip, our eyes caught sight of a little girl probably about 14 years old, walking alone in the night. She had beautiful, long blond hair and big, brown eyes coupled with both innocence and fear. Our hearts were broken. We began to pray quietly as we walked down the street thinking about the people caught up in prostitution and Human Trafficking. We walked passed a store and a girl came out to ask us if we would like to buy some dark chocolate syrup with wine in it. She noticed Debi’s Star of David with the cross in it and she stated she is Jewish. She said she understood the meaning of the Star of David but inquired about the cross inside. Debi said the cross is representative of the Messiah, Jesus Christ and it is in the Star of David because He is the seed of Abraham.  Debi told the girl that Jesus is her Lord and talked about his love for her. She thanked us for the testimony; we perceived she did not encounter love and respect often.

Many homeless people on the streets asked for money. As we walked along Michael encountered a woman who said she had cancer; he stopped to pray for her without giving it a second thought and she was very grateful. He shared his testimony about a two-year adventure through cancer. He revealed how strongly Jesus worked on his behalf during that time

Michael shared this testimony at a house of prayer and a church in Utah during our month long excursion.

Debi released two books this year: What IS Behind the Curtain, Living the Resurrected Life and DiVine Encouragement, Abiding in the Heart of God. We will lead small groups using the books beginning in January 2015.

We enjoy Bible Study in our home with a group of believers from our home church New Covenant Church.

We spent the year praying for the believers at Trinity/St. Phillips Anglican Church and witnessed God amalgamate two churches into an Abbey and a Celebrate Recovery group that meets on Tuesday nights at Kress Memorial SDA Church in Winter Park, FL.

We pray with the intercessors group at Resound and hear testimony of changed lives on Orange Blossom Trail known for immorality and addictions.

This year we studied Prayer Altars and The Wakeup Call by John Mulinde and Mark Daniel from World Trumpet Missions. It has been a blessing to be part of the intercessory team of Awakening Florida  on Tuesday mornings.  The National Awakening Summit Training and the National Awakening Summit last October in Titusville, FL was a time of personal transformation with repentance and refreshment from the Lord. 

Please pray with us as we seek continued direction from the Lord regarding his will for this ministry. We look forward to the exciting year of getting the Gospel of the Kingdom out through prayer ministry, graphics and training materials for mission work in America.

In our next newsletter, we will be sharing ways that you can support this ministry.

We wish you and your family a Blessed Christmas and a Joyous New Year!

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