Shepherds Rod 2014


God’s people are being sovereignly positioned and set apart for His purposes.

There has been a sweeping away of the dust that has settled on the righteous so they may come forth and show the Father’s glory through signs and wonders.

Another, deeper Baptism of Fire coming upon the church to awaken the passion that had been quenched by the woes of the world.

The world is experiencing a cleansing by fire that will shake so many so deeply it will shake in a harvest.

The remnant will be brought out into the open to lead the prodigals back home. Home meeting and churches in the homes of fervent believers will experience renewed passion to bring the lost in one at a time. These individuals will bring many more. Home groups will need to stay connected to a church so a coordination of community resources will be utilized and coordinated.

They will feed many by staying focused on their individual assignments. Focus is key here as many distractions will try to send them off course.

We will see much disruption in our routines so a rearrangement and repositioning by God can happen.

Father will wash and cleanse much of the church as we know it. The dead oaks will fall from the lofty places. False doctrines and teaching of man will be revealed as such. Discernment will be crucial in these last days of the church age.

Large denominational churches will give way to home meeting which serve as a relational base for believers.  Large churches will serve as a connecting point to govern and facilitate home based churches. This larger church will be able to help with resource finding and coordinating. The real power will be evident in these smaller home churches who are relationally minded, helping one another, and bringing in new converts to disciple and love them.

A network of righteous intercessors will connect through these meet-ups with intent and focus on what the Father has assigned them to pray.

Connect, connect, connect to those the Lord has assigned you to.

A Holy Spirit Fire will sweep across His people bringing renewed passion for Christ and a lost world. The lukewarm or burn out will burn again on fore for the purposes of God.

“Washing, washing, washing of the filthy rags, cleansing, cleansing, cleansing of a war torn land. Torn by the enemy for destruction.

But “HO” says the Lord, I am here in full measure and I will reveal what is to come.

My people will overcome and be victorious over all that was was meant for evil.

I will bring all creation to their knees as I sovereignly move upon this place. Never have I forsaken nor left. I have always given fresh bread and a fresh wind of my Spirit.

I am blowing through the caverns of the hardened hearts. You will see what this does. Many will come to your door to hear the good news of my son Jesus Christ.

Winds, winds, winds blowing over you again to bring lasting change.  You may be facing the wind now but I am about to change the direction of that wind. These winds coming will blow you into position as I guard you with my angels.

I’m sweeping, sweeping, sweeping away the dust of disappointment, delayed answers, disruption, religion, heart felt loss, grief, misunderstanding, persecution and loss.

Fall will bring the golden leaves. I say as you see this I am beginning to heal the nations. They will fall to arise again as my people. Fear not. I have sent my angelic host to keep you safe as you remain tucked in me.

Arise and shine. Do not hide in fear. His glory will be upon you.

I will blanket you deeply this winter as you receive a fresh commitment and anointing and will Spring you into action with a fresh wind beneath your wings.

My leaders are beginning to emerge from their hidden places to take a position of authority to lead my people forward.

These leaders will call, call, call and pray, pray, pray my prodigals home to me the Father.

It is a season for the prodigals to return home where Father welcomes them with open arms.

I am calling these leaders to be leaders in many nations and people. I am awakening them from their slumber calling you out now! Awaken, awaken, awaken!!!!

I have a purpose and a plan for you, the effectual door is open. Step out and step through. I have heard your plea ad your cry. Yes, even sobbing in repentance in the night. I have heard your cry and have stored up your tears to pour out for such a time as this.

I will pour them out like rain upon barren places in the hearts of my people.

Intercessors arise and unite! Don’t leave your post for weariness may set in. Stay high on the wall and watch, you will see what I am about to do and pray it into the earth.

Gather like my geese do in fall as they prepare for the journey together in unison.  Unite and head towards me as one voice, as one people dedicated to my purposes. I’ve caused you to SEE! Do not forsake one another. The adversary means to separate and divide you.

I am here to gather you back again as a united flock. A hearing and understanding flock. You who move closer to me as the tests and trails come.

You will see me arise and shine in this land of great promise.

I will cause a sweeping, a raining, a colliding of two worlds and you will overcome. You will be called sons and daughters, yes, even living stones, lifted and revealed as my people joined together .Yes as the Tabernacle of David is built within each of you. Joined together as one temple, firm and strong with Me as your cornerstone.”

The shaking will continue to roll over and through all the nations. No one will be spared as the earth groans in the harvest of many.

Volcanoes will pour forth lava that will shake many into a realization of their dependence on the Lord. This will indeed be a cleansing by fire. Much repentance will come by these natural disasters.

More extreme weather as the winds of change blow across many people.

This will cause a sweeping in of the harvest.

Angelic messengers are being sent into your households to guide and minister help to you. Holy Spirit will give clear direction for you and your family.

I saw a ripe harvest field that was being trampled by large machinery. It was ripe and ready but being trampled by large bulldozer type machines.

I believe this represented mega false cult religions that will come to those in distress and are ready to be harvested.

Deception in doctrine, will be very subtle, but will not hold up to the truth of God’s Word. Beware when you see and hear the false teachers. The lion prowls to devour. Stay in God’s Word and be aware when a false doctrine is spoken. Speak the Truth to those who are falling prey to these huge cult religions.

The harvesters will emerge with the truth of Jesus Christ to set them free.

The Lord is saying,” America has committed two great evils but I am calling to her to return to me.

She has forsaken Me the Fountain of Living waters, and built her own cisterns that are broken and hold no water,(Jer.3). Because of this the US has become prey for the young lions. I say that my America will return to me, and beg forgiveness. She will be restored as the great eagle once again and her children will become my sons and daughters. They will not be left as orphans, fatherless or abandoned.

The wars will end and I will bring great inner peace with confidence that I have again rested my hand upon her.

I will have a Bride fully clothed rightly in the richness of My glory.

Prepare yourself- I am coming to sanctify and purge. I am coming with a great and terrible shaking. I will not leave you.  You will not falter I am merciful and full of love. You will arise and shine again as my children.

My rainbows will cover my places of glory. I have not forgotten my covenant of protection to you.

Stand up those who felt it was time to sit down and let the younger generation do the work. Yes those who have experienced my mercy and grace in the trials of life. Be mothers and fathers of the faith. You are not battle weary but battle victorious!

Share with the young ones so they may run the race with your experiences and victories under their belt too. Raise up the young lions to run, to roar to conquer in Christ Jesus.

The great surge of revelation which has begun upon the earth will bring forth anointed revelatory teachers in the universities and colleges. These men and women will influence the youth by filling the air with truth as revealed by Holy Spirit, to dispel the darkness.

Waves of Holy Spirit led evangelism will begin to saturate the social media sites. Many will become convicted as they see the world of sin collapse around them.

The Lord will change a non-relational group of young people, only relating by social media, into a connected and progressive, holy world changers.


Psalm 14 is the psalm the Lord highlighted to me this Yom Kippur.

All paraphrased as the Lord revealed to me….

Verse 1- There are still many in this word who deny God. Yes the world is more corrupt than it’s ever been.

Verse 2-The Lord is calling out those who will follow Him. His eye is upon the righteous.

Verse 3- He will not stop looking for His people to bring them out of the destruction and into His light.

Verse 4- Great deception is upon the earth. Most are being led astray. Some do not even know to call upon the name of the Lord for salvation. Those that do will continue to suffer persecution for My namesake.

Verse 5-The wicked are becoming more wicked but are in much dread because they see God is defending His righteous people.

Verse 6- The Lord is out refuge in the midst of scornful people. He will give us the words to lift His name higher and higher.

Verse 7-The salvation of Israel will come from Zion.( A spiritual condition in which you are at peace and deeply saturated with Jehovah in all you do.) The Lord will restore His people and Israel.(His church)


The Hebraic year 5774 is the year of the “Open Door” “Open window.

“Walk through this door, the open door of my Kingdom.” Seek Me while I can still be found. Behold this open door is standing above you This door will lead you into Me.

Do not be afraid of what is to come. I have orchestrated it all for My eternal purposes. You will come forth as “Sons of the light and Sons of the day.”in Christ Jesus.

I will send the rains and fill the well and the wells will overflow and wash the land. They will sweep away the muck and mire of old, wrong religious teachings that have kept my people I bondage. A fresh new understanding by my Holy Spirit will come forth.”

Snow will blanket the lands this winter and give way to spring filled with a renewed hope, refreshing and awe at My goodness and mercy. For God is not done with America. He is bringing restitution as deep repentance to Him for defilement of this land begins. Cities have been “put on Notice” to repent and turn from their wicked ways. Angelic hosts have been dispatched to take care over these areas. Their must be repentance, or destruction. Detroit and Chicago will see some changes. Repentance and prayer will change God’s mind on any matter. Keep watch and pray so our cities are not left without protection.

God is not concerned about this old foe by another name called Isis. He has a plan to use them as sons of perdition to bring about a quick and significant change to a slumbering people.

Righteous warriors will awake and take up arms against this beast and defeat it. God will take up His shield and fight with us. Our prayers will defeat the most carnal of weapons.

He has sent His angel armies to protect our borders and the innocent.

As this beast of terror is doing it will be done to him. The beast will be beheaded!

Be alert, do not become complacent, the enemy prowls. Do not fear. The Lord will answer your cries. The restitution has begun. God is with us-who can come against us.

PRAY! Stay in peace! Defend yourself. Be alert! Stay focused.

Our God is in Control!!!


In His service,

Brenda McDonald

October 3, 2014




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