Important Update on Ron and Janis Ross-Spring 2016

It’s hard to believe that Janis and I have been in ministry together for 36 years. Like yours, our journey has seen its ups and downs as we have traversed through countless Gospel opportunities and Kingdom challenges. We celebrate the lasting fruit and Kingdom victories that are a direct result of our faithful Father. All we have done is to say a ‘simple yes’ to His call on our life together. It has been so amazing and fulfilling to marvel at His Grace and faithfulness as we have trusted everything to him. 

We continue to be grateful for the many friends, partners and supporters who have always been there as instruments of His sustenance and provision. You have stood and travelled with us prayerfully and financially every step of the way! To say that you have been a continuous encouragement to us would be an incredible understatement. I can only hope that we have been a source of joy and encouragement to you as well.

Paul called the disciples together and encouraged them to keep up the good work in Ephesus. Then, saying his good-byes, he left for Macedonia. Traveling through the country, passing from one gathering to another, he gave constant encouragement, lifting their spirits and charging them with fresh hope. (Acts 20: 1-2)

It is amazing to hear reports (almost daily from every corner of the globe) of His encouragement through the simple writing and mentoring He allows me to be a part of. I am humbled and honored to be a vessel of his encouragement. His heart in me beats with the desire to lift your spirits and charge you with fresh hope.

I think the greatest joy at present is the response to The Inner Journey-Releasing the Daily Flow of Jesus in Your Life book that I completed and published this past year. I am teaching it regularly and it is being used in small groups as a tool for prayer and journaling. The body of truth it contains is the greatest blessing and impact Brother Mickey Evans made on my life and countless others. If you are interested in using it personally or as a ministry tool just let me know.

May I share something with you that has become a great health need in recent months. For the past three years I have experienced repeated falls and unusual weakness. It was somewhat of a mystery, because it was like my legs just went out from under me. In recent months I have been diagnosed with a chronic disease of my smaller blood vessels. It is called Chronic Microvascular Ischemic Disease.

Underlying health issues like diabetes have caused this to progress much faster than it would otherwise. What is happening is that I am having mini-strokes in my brain from hardened and bleeding blood vessels. The prognosis of this condition are both neurological (difficulty organizing thinking, confusion, brain fog, memory loss, dementia) and physical (continued mini-strokes, weakness, speech and swallowing problems, blurred vision, falls and major stroke).   Neither Janis or I claim this prognosis as the definitive say. We are fully trusting Jesus our Great Physician!

Let me say again how grateful we are for your care and support over the years. We continue to trust Jesus with his continued call on our lives and ask you to seek Him as to what part he wants you to play in it. Support can be sent to us at 8370 NC Hwy 90 E, Stony Point, NC 28678. Please make checks payable to New Life Christian Fellowship. May the Grace of Jesus be yours in increasing measure! Ron and Janis Ross



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  • YES!!  My skin cancer was completely healed with ASEA and RENU!  Awesome stuff!  My daughter had CFS and has overcome it with ASEA!  

  • RonRoss1...could you message me with your address?
  • I am interested in your book for myself. As far as your health issues, I would look into ASEA. 

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