Birth Pangs

I have heard the words "Birth Pangs" in my spirit for several days. So I looked into it a bit.


One definition is: Difficulty or turmoil associated with a development or TRANSITION.


Without the pangs of childbirththe baby cannot transition from the womb to the world.  Birth pangs are a vital and important role in the birthing process.


 Rom.8:22  says the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth.....that it will be set free into the freedom and glory of the children of God.


Mark 13:8  For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the BEGINNING of BIRTH PANGS.

(Although this isn't a happy message,, the birth pangs are nesceessary to bring transition from an earthly kingdom to a heavenly one)


1 Thess.5:3 While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child........ But we are not in darkness, that the day would catch us by suprise.


God knew all this beforehand, and knew what the pain of birth would bring. Something far more glorious that the pain experienced, cannot even be compared to. And as a woman somewhat forgets the pain when holding her newborn child, so God will so fill us with His Glory, and Presence.  He knows what He is doing. I love Him!





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  • this is such a poignant word...may the "pangs" bring transition to greater and greater glory in Christ's Body!
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