Attitude of One Who Reigns


By: Alan Smith

 Attitude of One Who Reigns

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  • Rom. 5:16-17: For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. (NIV)

To reign in life: what a perception!  Can you truly rule and reign over your circumstances of life?  When you look at this verse, you see that either “death” will reign or “life” will reign.  I think I would prefer life, how about you?  So how can you apprehend more life?  The scripture above shows us that more life is received by grace through believing in the life of Jesus.  His life was created by His “attitude” and His “attitude” was created by how He thought.  His “attitude” was of one who would rule over life and death: an “attitude” of a king.  A king of a heavenly country, but a king just the same.  You can see that Jesus’ “attitude” was one of ruling over heaven, earth, and His life.  He refused to think in ways that were contrary to reigning in life.  He chose to think in a creative way, a way of design.  He knew his thoughts were creative and that they set in motion the creative power of the Kingdom of heaven.  His “attitude” alone did not create; however, His “attitude” plus His “action” did.  He knew that His thoughts were to equal an action that would change the reality of the world.  He knew a secret of the spiritual world which was this: “thoughts” that equal “action” will equal changed “realities”.  This can be good realities or bad realities, and make no mistake about it: your “attitude” is your choice.  Your “attitude” will draw like “attitudes” unto you.  If you have a bad “attitude” about church or government or anything, it will draw a like, bad “attitude” unto you.  Fellowship will take place because there is a common denominator: a bad “attitude”.


On the opposite end of the spectrum on “attitude”, I am not just talking about having a good “attitude” either.  I am talking about an “attitude” of one who reigns in life.  This is more than just a good “attitude”.  This is an “attitude” of someone who knows who they are in Christ.  This is an “attitude” of life that knows more of it is on the way.  This “attitude” will compel mountains of life to be moved in your favor.  One who reigns in life understands this spiritual phenomenon.  It is an “attitude” of faith in the Kingdom of God.  You cannot create substance, but you can draw unto yourself things that are healthy and good, which in turn will change your realities into favorable ones.  You need to understand that the “attitude” of the Kingdom of God is for you to have life and to have it more abundantly.  Again, “attitude” is a choice and you must make this choice every minute of every day.


Let’s apply this concept to our own personal lives.  Before you can “reign” in life, you must prepare for what reigning will produce: an abundant life.  You must become comfortable with joy, success, and an abundance of substance in order to give to others.  You must have a mental image of yourself as one who is reigning with God, waiting to bless the earth with the substance of the Kingdom of God.  Your attitude of yourself must improve until you see yourself as one who can rule and reign.  This is not a competitive attitude, but rather, a creative one.  You are not to project your “attitude” upon others, but upon yourself.  Others will then follow your example of abundant life.  Jesus does not rule and reign with an “iron fist”; instead, he reigns in such a way that it draws you unto Him.  So it is to be with each of us.  You are to rule and reign in such a way that others will want to follow you on this “yellow brick road” unto the Kingdom of God.  It will draw others.  You cannot help it; they will just come.  When they come, they will bring blessings with them for you and for others.  In God’s economy everyone is blessed.


Do you really desire “more life”?  Well, remember, your purpose is to reign in life.  It is the testimony of the children of God.  You will reign with Him.  When you see this as your “purpose” and then add “faith” to it, you will start seeing the Kingdom of God being unveiled right before your very eyes.  You will see things that have not appeared, start appearing in the most unusual ways and places.  It is this vision of yourself that sets in motion all the creative forces of the Kingdom of God, and they are directed right at you.  God is the One who sets in motion the creative process; but it is up to you and me to understand our purpose of reigning in this process and of maintaining our faith and thankfulness.  When the blessings come, you will know where you are to distribute these blessings of the Kingdom of God.  These blessings will be substance that can be distributed: such as food, your time, jobs, money, a kind word, helping others, etc.  The substances of the blessings take on any form that might be needed by man.  God wants to bless the earth, and He wants to do it through you as you understand your purpose of reigning with Him.  This, in turn, will produce “more life” in you.  It is essential that you understand this secret of the Kingdom.  As you give unto another what is needed and not wanted, you then receive what you desire.


Do not wait any longer to take action on reigning in life.  It is imperative that you start right now.  Do not look at your failure to reign with God in your past.  This is not the attitude of one who reigns.  Jesus said, “Let the dead bury the dead. Come follow me”.  Just because your life is not reflecting an attitude of “one who reigns”, this is no excuse.  Do not postpone any longer the substance of Heaven in your life today.  Do not look at the failures of the past, but look unto a future that is full of life which you will experience in its fullness.  If you look at the past, your mind will be divided between past and future.  You cannot have a divided mind because it will produce an ineffective future and one that will not stand.

  • Matt. 12:25: And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: (KJV)

Don’t just sit there and do nothing.  Do not feel discouraged that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Let your creative impulses turn into an internal action that will change your “attitude” today, which will then change your realities.  Get ready to reign and receive.  Let’s leave a competitive attitude and move into a creative one.  Believe by “faith” in the “purpose” for which you have been created.  Act now and wait no longer.




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