A Word from the Lord for 2014

Dearest Friends in Jesus,

As I received mail from Kingdom Prophetic Society this morning, I felt prompted of the Holy Spirit that I should also share this word here on this network.  I trust the Lord will speak to your heart through it's message, and though it is a serious word, and many may feel it is inappropriate for the New Year, I trust that others have spoken enough uplifting things to you that you'll be able to handle a little bit of "cod-liver oil" along with all of it.  It's good for us!!! :-)

Rather than starting from scratch here, decided just to give the link to my blog.

The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost


Blessings to all  in the Name of Jesus,

Clo DiPilato

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  • Clo DiPilato,

    Thanks and blessings


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